Open Theses at the Institute of Printing Science and Technology

On this page you will find student theses that can be processed at IDD. The complete announcement can be found at the end of each teaser. If you have any questions about the theses offered, please contact the respective supervisor.

  • Etablierung einer hMSC Zellkultur und Entwicklung einer Biotintenformulierung für den 3D-Biodruck


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    Supervisor: Sebastian Scholpp, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • 3D Biodruck von Faser-additivierter Biotinte für Muskel- und Nervenmodell


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    Supervisor: Annabelle Neuhäusler, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PPTX