Dr.-Ing. Dieter Spiehl

Dr.-Ing. Dieter Spiehl

Chief engineer, akademischer Rat

At the Institute for Printing Science and Technology, I am responsible for keeping track of finances, projects and employment planning as well as providing an overview and advice on project applications. I am also responsible for the further development of experimental equipment from devices to laboratories and their efficient use. I am available as a contact person for industry partners, non-disclosure agreements, contracts and the handling of contract research and services. Finally, I am involved in teaching regarding students theses and courses in mechanical engineering as well as in the new Bio-Materials Engineering degree program.

Curriculum Vitae

2024 – today Chief engineer and akademischer Rat at the Institute of Printing Science and Technology at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany
2016 – 2023 Leader of the research group “industrial printing” at the Institute of Printing Science and Technology at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany
2021 – 2022 Post-doc in the chemistry department at Technical University of Darmstadt developing 3d printing processes for porous silica in the working group of Prof. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen and development of coatings for technical paper in the working group of Prof. Markus Biesalski
2016 – 2020 Post-doc in an interdisciplinary lab financed by Merck KGaA at Technical University of Darmstadt working on biosensors and low-instrumented diagnostics and analytics.
2009 – 2015 PhD student (Dr.-Ing) in an interdisciplinary lab financed by Merck KGaA at Technical University of Darmstadt on the topic of printed electronics for displays.
2003 – 2009 Studies of mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) at the Technical University of Darmstadt.


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