Tim Weber, M.Sc.

Tim Weber M.Sc.


work +49 6151 16 23776


As part of my research in the field of “BioMedical Printing Technology”, I am working on printed biosensors. This type of sensor is characterised by the biological sensor element – the bioreceptor, which enables a detection of an analyte present in a given solution. The result of the specific reaction between the analyte and the bioreceptor is then converted into a usable output by a signal converter (transducer), amplified by signal processing and then evaluated. Well-known examples of biosensors are pregnancy tests, blood glucose meters for diabetics or quick tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which for example diagnose the analyte (SARS-CoV-2 antigens) using antibodies (bioreceptor) via a colour change. In addition to the advantages of a fast, cost-effective and industrial production through existing printing processes, the printing of biosensors enables both increasing miniaturisation, which for example, can be of particular interest in the field of medicine, as well as the combination with other fields, such as printed electronics, whereby new innovative fields of application can be opened up.


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