Open Theses at the Institute of Printing Science and Technology

On this page you will find student theses that can be processed at IDD. The complete announcement can be found at the end of each teaser. If you have any questions about the theses offered, please contact the respective supervisor.

  • Systematische Erhebung von Expertenwissen im Tampondruck


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    Supervisor: Fabian Post, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Entwicklung eines Machine-Learning-Modells zur quantitativen Beschreibung der Verdampfung von Druckfluiden



    Supervisor: Fabian Post, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Entwicklung von 3D gedruckten PCL Spacer Fabrics für die regenerative Medizin



    Supervisor: Sebastian Scholpp, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Study of the behaviour of mouse neural stem cells in different biomaterials for bioprinting applications



    Bioprinting and Tissue Engineering promise artificial organs that could solve the lack of enough donors for organ transplantation. These artificial organs can also be powerful tools to study disease and test new drugs. The search of the optimal biomaterial where cells mantain their in vivo function is big challenge in the field, where biochemical and mechanical cues influence cell fate.

    In this project you will study the viability and function of mouse neural stem cells (mNSC) in different biomaterials for bioprinting applications.

    Supervisor: Mariana Acedo, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • 3D Biodruck von Faser-additivierter Biotinte für Muskel- und Nervenmodell


    Masterthesis, Bachelorthesis

    Supervisor: Annabelle Neuhäusler, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PPTX